“Best” of the “Best”

I believe my two best blogs from this quarter are One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Dead Fish and Twitter Threats and You.

One Fish would probably be the better of the two. i seemed to stay coherent throughout the whole post and stayed on topic. I also used examples from something I’m passionate about as my other sources and main topic. It referenced an article that was read in class the previous week to lay the foundation for the rest of the post. The embedded images were relevant to the topic I was talking about. It was written in the blogging style of having an air of informalness.

Twitter and You would be my other example blog. It was bout how far people can exercise their freedom of speech on the internet. The idea was started from the article about the super big douchebag that got banned form twitter. The post references another example of a girl who made a joke threat and then got arrested. The embeddded picture is relevant to the post. Other sources are inline linked.

Comment 1 and comment 2 are examples of comments that helped fuel the discussion. They were relevant to the topic of the article often addressing the end food for thought questions. They gave my impression of the topic and portrayed how I felt on the topic.

One comment

  1. sarahesummers2014 · November 13, 2015

    Good choices, Sam! Not just because of the writing but also because of the interesting visuals that draw us to your posts. I enjoyed reading about the connections you made between our course and your interests this quarter!


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